Changes to the procedure for consideration and approval of investment projects in the region, approved by the Administration Head (Governor) of Krasnodar Region on September 3, 2003 N ° 858 "On the order of consideration and approval of investment projects in the region." The procedure completed the appropriate order and deprivation of the status of the investment project approved by the Administration of Krasnodar Region, new applications, containing the order and form of the following documents: • the layout of the business plans of the applicant to state support; • methodology for calculating indices of applying the criteria of efficiency of investment projects applying for the status of approved investment project; • the rules for determining the estimated payback period of the investment project; • the procedure for concluding and termination of the investment agreement between the administration of Krasnodar region and the subject of investment activity, implementing the approved investment projects; • the approximate shape of the investment agreement between the administration of Krasnodar region and the subject of investment activity, implementing the approved investment projects; • the procedure of reporting subjects of investment activity, which granted the right to state support; • the procedure of reporting by the executive authorities of Krasnodar Region, which is responsible for coordinating and (or) regulation of activity in the industry in which the investment project. Resolution of the Head of Administration (Governor) of Krasnodar Region on March 10, 2015 N ° 174 "On Amending Resolution of the Head of Administration of Krasnodar Region on September 3, 2003 N ° 858" On the procedure for consideration and approval of investment projects in the region. "