JSC Poultry "Tikhoretsky" is located in the Eastern part of Tikhoretsky district in the village Ternovskiy. The main activity of the economy - the production of eggs. Poultry produce up to 40 million eggs in and 200 tons. chicken meat per year. In 2013. the company was recognized insolvent (bankrupt) and it entered bankruptcy proceedings.
In February 2014. the Trustee conducted an inventory of the property of JSC "Poultry "Tikhoretsky", the results of which identified the major enterprise funds, which will be included in the bankruptcy of the enterprise for further bidding. To date, the Trustee JSC "Poultry "Tikhoretsky" is actively working on finding investors.
Interested in purchase of property enterprises for the production of eggs and poultry to contact us at the address location of the liquidator: Kolotilin Alexander, 432063, ,Ulyanovsk, Ul. September 12, D. 101, phone 8 927-271-52-12, 88 422 46 33 74, no.mail arbitr.ru@BK.ru