Vladimir Putin has approved instructions following the results of a meeting of presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation which has taken place on February 1, 2018.
Together with the Bank of Russia it is entrusted to government to provide entering into the legislation of the changes providing distribution of action of a deposit insurance system of natural persons on the deposits placed by the microenterprises and small enterprises in credit institutions. The assignment has to be executed till September 1 of this year.
In addition the Government till November 1, 2018 needs to create on the basis of industry GIS the register of the industrial enterprises with the state support and their production capacities realized, realized and planned to implementation of industrial and infrastructure projects of federal and regional importance, having provided inclusion in the specified register of information on infrastructure facilities and their capacities.
Till August 1, 2018 the Cabinet of Ministers also has to consider a question of expediency of creation of new special economic zones proceeding from need of performance of an order of the President about development and deployment at the legislative level of uniform approaches to their creation and functioning taking into account the revealed shortcomings